Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007

Soooo im today's scribe :) buahahah no one will ever know who i am... ?!?! or will they?! k whatever. i really dont care. but it was funny when he tried to figure out who i was :) sneaky lil me. okay anyways. back to chemistry...

Ms K handed our 4 & 5 questions back and we went over them since some had trouble...(me). haha. k yeea anyways. The steps are on the previous blog Ms K had posted up for us.

We then went over the homework assigned yesterday in the yellow booklet questions 1-6. So if you weren't able to keep up or you either didn't do them. I think you should go over the slide and copy BUT understand what is going on as well :))

Another thing we did today was something new. whoo hoo!

Reaction Quotient = Q or we know it as TRIAL Kc

reaction quotient helps us figure out whether or not the reaction is favoured (forward or reversed) in order for equilibrium to happen.

Previous slide will help you understand a lil more on what is favoured between Q and K.

There is also an example in the white booklet which will also help you understand this concept of Reaction Quotient. It's quite easy once you read over and do the work assigned

BTW: there's homework :) YAY! Lesson 3 Homework Assignment 6-10.

next scribe i will choose will be...ROMINA

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Great review of the day but too bad we'll never know who you are :))
Just note that the reaction quotient, Q, is the trial equilibrium constant, K.