Sunday, April 15, 2007

Kinetics Assignment #4

Friday, April 13, 2007

Ms. K was not around and we have a substitute, Ms. McQueen. We just went over the Kinetics assignment # 4 and she gave us some hand outs on RATE LAW.
So for those who missed class and wasn't able to get the answer to the Kinetics assignment #4, here you go:

2H2O2 ----> 2H2O + O2

2. (a) 2P + Q + S ----> R + T + W
(b) Slow
(c) Both P & Q are present in the rate limiting step and since S is not in the rate limiting step it does not affect the rate of of the net reaction. Only the reactants in the rate-
limiting step will significantly affect the rate of the reaction.

3. (a) The RDS is step 1 :
C6H6 + NO2+ ----> C6H6NO2+
Because it's the slow reaction.
C6H6 + NO2+ ----> C6H6NO2+ + H+
H2SO4 is introduced in step 2 and is unchanged at the end of the reaction. H2SO4 is most likely a catalyst sine it speeds up the reaction but is unchanged at the end of the reaction

Step 1 Ea 1 Increase (longest)
Step 2 Ea 2 Decrease (smallest)
Step 3 Ea (small)

4. (a) The rate Increase
(b) p + 3Q ----> Z + Y
(c) The RDS is Step 2: A + 2Q ----> X + Y because it has the lowest rate of reaction.

so thats about it. see you all monday.....

next scribe is

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